A Totally Rad Total Rewards Glossary

Glossary of Employee Recognition, Total Rewards, and Company Culture Terms

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Employee Onboarding

Employee onboarding is the process of integrating a new employee into a company's culture, policies, and practices. It starts from the moment the employee accepts the job offer and should continue through their first three months on the job. The goal of employee onboarding is to ensure that the new employee has the tools and knowledge they need to succeed in their new role.

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What impacts employee onboarding?

Effective onboarding does a few things:

  • Provides the training, resources, and equipment each employee needs to immediately jump into their work.
  • Celebrates each employee’s decision to work for the company.
  • Clarifies expectations and responsibilities so that no one feels overwhelmed or confused.
  • Creates relationships and fosters collaboration in the new team.

Employees simply need to start off on the right foot from the very first day, and onboarding is the process to ensure that happens.

How does employee onboarding drive employee engagement and retention?

Good onboarding can help employees want to stay at a company longer. A positive onboarding experience can also lead to increased job satisfaction, improved performance, and higher levels of employee engagement.

What are best practices for employee onboarding?

To create an effective onboarding program, companies should focus on building relationships, providing clear expectations, and offering opportunities for growth and development. Here are some best practices to consider:

  • Start the onboarding process before the employee's first day by sending a welcome package or email.
  • Assign a mentor or buddy to help the new employee navigate the company's culture and policies.
  • Provide clear expectations and goals for the new employee, including their role, responsibilities, and performance metrics.
  • Offer opportunities for growth and development, such as training sessions, mentorship programs, and networking events.
  • Use recognition and rewards to celebrate the new employee's successes and contributions.

By incorporating these best practices, companies can create a positive onboarding experience that promotes engagement, retention, and long-term success for new employees.