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March 18, 2024

Awesome Christmas Gift Ideas for Employees

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The festive season is fast approaching and you know what that means: gingerbread houses, repetitive songs on the radio, and deciding on gifts for your friends and family! Choosing the right gift for the people in your life is always difficult, and it can be doubly difficult when buying your employees Christmas gifts.

But don’t let that stop you! Getting employees gifts can have amazing benefits—besides the obvious of building culture and making employees happy, gifts also strengthen relationships and raise productivity.

This year, we aim to help you find the best gifts for all of your employees so that everyone feels those warm fuzzies when they unwrap their company gift.

Is a physical gift better than points?

“But Awardco,” we hear you say, “your users get points that allow them to choose from millions of reward and gift options themselves—that’s not the same thing as a gift!” 

To that we say, you’re right! While it’s true we believe giving employees the power to choose their own rewards is almost always best, even we can’t deny the joy of opening a physical gift to find an item that we love.

Receiving a meaningful gift that shows you how much the giver understands and cares about you can be a huge psychological boost. For employees, this boost can strengthen their commitment to the company, boost productivity, and increase their happiness at work. 

That’s why, at least for the holidays, we’re fully onboard with giving employees physical gifts instead of points.

What makes a good gift?

Many companies fall into the trap of thinking that the more expensive a gift is, the better it’ll be received. However, that’s patently false. To the receiver, the price and the uniqueness of the gift both aren’t as important as how meaningful it is to the employee.

Let’s break it down:

  • Gifts don’t have to be expensive. So items like golf clubs, coolers, or diamond jewellery aren’t intrinsically good employee gifts just because of the price tag.
  • Gifts don’t have to be unique. Don’t assume that every employee has to get a one-of-a-kind gift. Popular or trendy items are popular for a reason.
  • Gifts should never be one-size-fits-all. Bad gifts stem from the feeling that there was no thought put behind the item. If every employee is given the exact same item, employees will feel that the company doesn’t know or care about them individually.
  • Gifts DO have to fit the employee. A good gift just has to show that you tried. It doesn’t have to be perfect, unique or expensive, but it should show an understanding of each employee’s personality and interests.

What are the benefits of a good employee gift?

In today’s work environment, where employees expect more from their employers, good gifts can really set you apart from the competition. Some of the benefits of good employee holiday gifts include:

  • Creates a positive work environment. Gifts go a long way to making employees feel appreciated, which can build a company’s culture of gratitude, happiness, and cohesion.
  • Improves productivity. Showing appreciation to employees can increase their morale, motivation, and productivity, which is great for the bottom line.
  • Increases retention. The number one reason employees quit is that they don’t feel valued. Meaningful gifts help show employees they’re valued and appreciated.
  • Builds relationships. Gifts demonstrate that the giver cares about the recipient, which establishes and builds relationships.

Can you ask what employees want for a gift?

Yes! You definitely can, and you probably should, especially if you don’t know every employees’ interests or preferences. It may feel weird to ask what they’d like, but it’s much better to ask and provide awesome gifts than to guess and give a lacklustre thing.

Just send out a short survey with questions such as:

  • What are your favourite hobbies?
  • What’s your favourite film and/or book?
  • Do you like collecting things?
  • Do you like experiences more than tangible items?

Even these minor questions will give you a much better idea for employee gifts. And once you have an idea of your employee interests, you can buy gifts for the different personalities. See below for examples of employee Christmas gifts!

Employee Gift Ideas for Film Buffs

Film buffs are loud and proud of their favourite films, and with so many films and licensed gifts to choose from, these employees should be relatively simple to buy for. Here are some ideas.

1. Ticket Stub Diary

If you’re like us, you have a stash of ticket stubs somewhere in your home. Many film lovers enjoy keeping their tickets as a sort of journal, and a ticket stub diary is perfect for the task.

2. LED Projector

What’s better than watching your favourite film anywhere you want? With this portable projector, film buffs can enjoy their film of choice wherever there’s a blank wall.

3. Cinephile Card Game

Any board game or card game based on films will most likely be a hit because there’s nothing film lovers love more than testing their film knowledge. (Except maybe watching films…)

4. Director’s Chair

Make the simple act of sitting more immersive than ever with a piece of classic cinema history. Employees will love owning a film-accurate director’s chair (even if it doesn't look that comfortable).

5. Film Jigsaw Puzzle

This puzzle is perfect for those who want to think about films without actually watching one. Rebuild the classics, both old and modern, and let employees create something they can cherish.

6. Film Wall Art

Allow your film-loving employees to decorate their space with wall art from their favourite films. After a quick survey to learn employees’ favourite films, pick a poster that lets them show off their passion.

7. Gourmet Popcorn Maker

Gourmet popcorn made from the comfort of your own home? Yes, please. No self-professed film lover would turn a gift like this down!

Employee Gift Ideas for Fitness Fanatics

Promoting wellness is always a great idea, and what’s better than encouraging wellness and getting a desirable gift at the same time? Here are some ideas for gifts to enhance the fitness routine of your employees.

1. Workout Planner

With all of the fitness apps around nowadays, sometimes a nice journal is just what the doctor ordered. This fitness journal is perfect for planning workouts, tracking weights and setting goals.

2. Under Desk Treadmill

Do you really want to make your physically active employees happy? Help them stay active at work! This under desk treadmill is perfect for walking while working at a standing desk. While it costs a pretty penny, it might be just what your employees want.

3. Personal Blender

Protein shakes and keto smoothies, this blender can do it all. And in a quick and convenient package, too! Help your active employees get the nutrients they need with a gift like this.

4. Massage Gun

Working out is hard, and being sore is no fun. A massage gun is perfect to find the relief of a massage without paying for massage therapy. We bet this would be a popular option for fitness fanatics, couch potatoes, and everyone in between!

5. Yoga Equipment Set

Yoga is growing in popularity, and for good reason! This low-impact, high-intensity exercise is perfect for anyone wanting to get in shape. And with a yoga set like this, anyone can get their yoga on.

6. Fitness Watch

Anyone who is serious about staying in shape would love a watch that acts as a stopwatch, heartbeat monitor, GPS, and sleep tracker all in one. 

7. Fitness Dice

Gamifying anything makes it more fun—so for those who may struggle with the monotony of working out (guilty as charged), these dice can make the whole process more fun!

Employee Gift Ideas for Techies

Gadgets and gizmos are all the rage because they make life easier and more entertaining. Many employees would love some new tech for Christmas, so here are some options that speak to a wide range of personalities.

1. Smart Reusable Notebook

Stay productive in an environmentally friendly way with this reusable notebook. Make notes, digitally save them, and then wipe the pages clean to reuse!

2. Portable Photo Printer

Social media lovers unite! Now you can take pictures, share them online, and print them out, all on the go. This portable printer is great for making memories.

3. Waterproof Bluetooth Speaker

Speakers, headphones, and earbuds are always going to be hot commodities come the holidays,

Jefferson Hansen
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An avid lover of fantasy books, a proud Hufflepuff, and a strong proponent of escapism, Jeff has a love of good storytelling. He relies on that for both his professional work and his writing hobby (don’t ask about the 10+ novel ideas collecting virtual dust on his computer).