A Totally Rad Total Rewards Glossary

Glossary of Employee Recognition, Total Rewards and Company Culture Terms

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Flexible Workplace

A flexible workplace is an employment arrangement that allows employees to work outside of traditional office hours or locations. This can include flexible schedules, remote work options and job sharing. The goal of a flexible workplace is to create a more accommodating work environment that allows for better employee work-life balance.

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What is the impact of a flexible workplace?

A flexible workplace can have a significant impact on employee satisfaction, retention, health and productivity. When employees have more control over their work schedules and locations, they are more likely to feel empowered and engaged in their work.

How does a flexible workplace drive employee engagement and productivity?

By offering flexible work options, companies can create a more inclusive and diverse work environment that appeals to a wider range of employees. This can lead to increased engagement and motivation because they feel more valued and respected by their employers.

Additionally, employees who have the option to work from home or choose their own hours are often able to better manage their time and avoid the stress and distractions of a traditional office environment, leading to increased productivity and better mental health.

What are best practices for creating a flexible workplace?

To create a successful flexible workplace, companies should first evaluate their current policies and assess the needs and preferences of their employees. It is important to establish clear guidelines and expectations for remote work and flexible scheduling and to provide the necessary tools and resources for employees to work effectively from home or outside of traditional office hours.

Companies should also establish a culture of trust and accountability among their employees, emphasising the importance of communication and collaboration to ensure that all team members are working together towards common goals.