A Totally Rad Total Rewards Glossary

Glossary of Employee Recognition, Total Rewards and Company Culture Terms

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Remote Work Culture

Remote work culture refers to the set of values, practices and behaviours that define a company's approach to managing and supporting remote workers. This includes policies around communication, collaboration and productivity as well as the tools and technologies used to facilitate remote work

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What is the impact of remote work culture?

When employees are working remotely, it can be more difficult to build a sense of community and maintain a positive work environment. By prioritising remote work culture, companies can ensure that their employees feel supported, valued and seen. This can help to increase engagement, boost motivation and improve overall productivity.

How does remote work culture drive employee engagement and motivation?

Remote work culture can drive employee engagement and motivation by creating a sense of belonging and connectedness among remote workers. By establishing clear communication channels and providing opportunities for collaboration and socialisation, companies can help remote employees feel more engaged and motivated. 

What are some best practices for creating a remote work culture?

To create a positive remote work culture, companies should prioritise communication, collaboration and support. This includes establishing regular check-ins, creating opportunities for virtual team-building and socialising, and providing resources and tools to help remote employees stay productive and engaged. At Awardco, we recommend incorporating remote work culture into your recognition programme by offering virtual rewards and recognition opportunities, such as personalised e-cards, digital shoutouts and online events. By embracing remote work culture and integrating it into your recognition programme, you can create a more effective and engaged remote workforce.