A Powerful Return On Investment

AFCU has changed the face of employee recognition in their organization by using Awardco, and has been able to adapt to changing global circumstances with ease to keep their workforce engaged and supported—no matter where they work.

At A Glance

92.5% decrease in administration time for bonus program.
296 work hours saved annually using Awardco (37 days!)
307% average month-to-month increase in recognitions.

About America First Credit Union

America First Credit Union (AFCU), founded in 1939, is the 6th largest credit union in the U.S. and employs over 3,300 people. It manages over $11 billion in assets for its 1 million members.

The Challenge

How do you quickly adapt to a remote workforce?

Known for their exemplary customer service, AFCU works hard to thank their workforce for all they do with a bi-annual bonus program for each of their 3,300 employees. The program was detailed, high-touch, and designed to foster relationships between managers and their employees, and it worked. 

However, the program had to pivot drastically after the COVID-19 pandemic forced over 1800 AFCU employees to work remotely. Because of these changes, there was no way to administer the bi-annual bonus program as they did before, and a new system was needed.

“Awardco literally saved our workforce and recognition programs when the pandemic hit. They always find a way to help through collaboration and innovation.”

Jodi Gonzales
HR Manager at AFCU

The Solution

Adapting Quickly

Thankfully AFCU had implemented Awardco in October 2019 for their service award programs. The launch of their service award program had been so successful that AFCU approached Awardco to see if there was any way to use Awardco to facilitate the semi-annual bonus program. Awardco came up with a unique digital solution within a matter of days and rolled it out to AFCU’s entire workforce within two weeks.

The Solution

Time Savings—With Interest

In working with Awardco, AFCU not only adapted to current circumstances to facilitate their bonus program, but they saved incredible amounts of administration time and logistical headaches, too. Before, an entire department had to stop work for a day just to complete the bonus program twice a year. 

Now, with Awardco, the entire program can be managed by two people in just a few hours. Managers still connect through personal messages, bonuses are still distributed, and employees still receive the high-touch treatment—all digitally through Awardco.

AFCU’s implementation of Awardco has been so well received across the board that additional recognition programs have begun, such as a spot recognition initiative that gives out gift cards for those that go above and beyond. “Before Awardco we had no idea how many gift cards were going out or when, but now we have real-time budgetary updates. It’s been a game changer,” says Jodi.

“Before Awardco we had very little insight into our physical recognition programs, but now we have real-time budgetary updates, an incredible time savings, and more options for rewards than ever. It’s been a game changer.”

Jodi Gonzales
HR Manager at AFCU

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