Platform Update
April 12, 2024
March 18, 2024

Introducing Awardco Earn! 

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We’re incredibly excited (so excited we're jumping on sofas over here) to introduce Awardco’s newest product update: the Earn function!

What’s Earn, you ask? Well, besides being a really sweet nickname for the name Ernie, Earn is a simple way to let employees claim their own rewards for hitting targets or completing tasks. With Earn, you can easily incentivise employees by offering points in the Awardco platform upon completion of any task.

Majorly Customisable

Earn is completely customisable to your organisation, your goals, and your budgets—and the ways you can use it are incredible. Did your employees just go through safety training? Offer ten points to anyone who completed it. Hit a quarterly target? Earn 50 points. Knock a wellness goal out of the park? Earn 20 points. Need to incentivise employees to go through the yearly I.T. training? Points. 

With this new update, it's easier than ever to set up all kinds of programmes using Awardco. As an admin of the platform, you decide what the programmes are for, the budget and what it takes to qualify. After doing so, you can set it and forget it as you use Earn to encourage and reward the things that matter most to your organisation.

EARNestly Flexible

Need some ideas on how to use Earn? Here’s some we’ve seen:

  • Exercise goals (team, individual, or organisation-wide)
  • Fitness challenges
  • Fitness reimbursement
  • Tuition reimbursement
  • Safety programmes & training
  • Survey completion
  • Vaccine incentives
  • Employee compliance verification 
  • Sales incentives
  • And much more!

And we should mention: the Earn function is about as “on-demand” as you can get. If you need to spin up a programme quickly and get it out to employees to start tracking compliance, survey completion or any number of things, you can do that with Earn.

More Time Savings Than You Can Shake a Stick At

One of the best parts of Earn is the time it saves you as the admin. We know time is your most valuable commodity, and we want to help make it your most plentiful one, too. Are you tired of nagging people to watch the mandatory training videos or to fill out surveys? Use Earn to take care of that for you. Your employees will feel better about the bad acting in training videos when they know there is a prize at the end. 

Give Employees Ownership of Their Rewards

Help employees take ownership by letting them claim points for their own goals. If you want to set up a wellness or fitness programme, it doesn’t have to be the same goal for everyone. Instead, people can go into the platform and fill out what they did to improve their wellness and then earn some points to help motivate them. This allows for both accountability and flexibility when it comes to programmes—and that can translate to all kinds of programmes (like the ones we mentioned above).

Easy as Pie

We don't know why pie is considered easy, but we know it's easy to eat, so maybe that's where the phrase comes any case, incentivising employees to take charge of their own personal and professional progress through Earn has never been easier—or more rewarding. Start Earn-ing today and set up a programme with your Customer Success Manager. Or let us show you the power of Earn first hand through a quick demo.

Bronson Dameron
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Superhero nerd. Book reader. Dungeons and Dragons enthusiast. Gryffindor. Bronson's background includes degrees in Psychology and Marketing, and he's passionate about the workplace experience of modern times and how to make it better.