Powerful Reporting Makes Increasing Engagement Easy

AMUR utilized Awardco’s reporting capabilities to empower their engagement efforts, which has increased recognition buy-in from executives, entry-level employees, and everyone in between.

At A Glance

7 locations across the nation
36% increase in recognition engagement
3 out of 5 employees regularly on platform

About AMUR

For over 27 years, AMUR has helped small businesses accomplish their big dreams. Through best-in-class financing, they are dedicated to helping business owners find success.

The Challenge

How do you get everyone engaged on your recognition platform and excited about your culture?

AMUR upgraded their employee recognition platform nearly a year ago, and while the boost to their culture has been impressive, not everyone was engaging on the platform. They wanted to change that.

“I didn’t expect as much engagement around each other’s recognitions…our company’s spread all over the country, and Awardco has really helped people feel connected.”

Hannah Fagan
Human Resource Leader

The Solution

Impressive Reporting for Visibility

The HR team at AMUR jumped into the comprehensive reporting that Awardco offers in order to see who wasn’t engaged on the platform. Armed with that information, they reached out to each of them personally to help train them on why recognition is important and how to use the platform.

This was especially important for managers who are the key in building a widespread culture of recognition.

Now, after only three months of outreach, engagement on the platform has increased drastically—2 out of 3 AMUR employees use it at least once a month. Even AMUR executives are getting on and recognizing employees!

The Solution

Huge Time Savings for Admins

It may sound like manually reaching out to people increased AMUR’s HR team’s workload, but the opposite is actually true! Their previous employee recognition platform required multiple spreadsheets and manual fulfillment because nothing was automated, which wasted a lot of time.

After they switched to Awardco, managing recognition, rewards, and reporting is easier than ever. AMUR admins are saving around 84 hours a year with Awardco’s automations, and now they have the time to dedicate to more important things, like building their culture of appreciation, creating new recognition programs, and making sure everyone feels valued.

“We recently pulled an in-platform report to check on usage, and then we reached out to people individually to improve adoption—especially managers. Since then, engagement has been significantly higher, and our culture of recognition is growing—even our executives are recognizing.”

Hannah Fagan
Human Resource Leader

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